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The Invoice is the primary mechanism enabling payments from the NDIS. Invoices carry multiple Invoice Line Items which, in turn carry multiple requests for payment from the NDIS (Payment Requests). An Invoice can be access via a given Plan record within Salesforce using the following steps:

  1. Open a Participant profile (Salesforce Contact)

  2. Click on the Plan Management tab to access a number of plan-related records

  3. Open an Invoice to access all available records for the selected Participant

The Invoice object captures a number of critical and useful data points, as described below.

Data Point


Invoice Date

The date of the Invoice is the date on which the Service Provider has issued the Invoice rather than when the Service was delivered. The Service Date is captured at the Invoice Line Item level.

Funding Structure

Maica supports 2 different Invoice structures, including:

  • Plan Managed - this means that all Invoice Line Items are validated against an existing Service Booking; items not part of a Service Booking will not be accepted.

  • Self Managed - this means that any valid Salesforce Product can be entered for the given Invoice, as as funding is not determined by the NDIS.

Invoice Total Amount

The Total Invoice Amount is the aggregated Sum of all associated Invoice Line Items.

Invoice Line Items

Each Invoice is likely going to have at least one Invoice Line Item; these capture the required information to submit claims to the NDIS, including:

  • Service Date

  • Support Item (Salesforce Product)

  • Quantity

  • Amount

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