Info |
Once logged in as an Animal Attendant, you will land on your Home |
Tab where you will be presented with a dashboard displaying snapshots of important information. The Animal Attendant Dashboard |
Components displaying your most important daily tasks are easily visible and accessible from the dashboard. You will be able to access the following components:
Current animals with flags
Open Animal Alerts
Daily Actions Summary
Current Animals by Status
Overdue Animal Actions
Open Animal Actions
Recent Client Notes
is targeted at the Shelter where you work as defined by the profile assigned to your user. |
From the Animal Attendant Home Tab, you can access 2 dashboards relevant to your Shelter.
From the Animals Dashboard, select the Block/Row
where you're working for the day to access animals and related animal information for that Block/Row
From the Blocks Dashboard, select the Block/Row
to access information specific to that Block/Row