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This article outlines the different automation processes built into the My Supports Maica + FSL Salesforce solution.




Automatic Account Creation

Client Contacts: Newly created Client Contact records have an Account record generated on save based on their FirtstName + LastName.

Other Contacts: Newly created Other Contact records have an Account record generated on save based on their FirtstName + LastName.

Contractor Contacts: Newly created Contractors will need to have a New Account Created for them or assigned to an existing Account.


Worker Status

The Worker_Status__c field on the Contact Record (for Staff Members) will be converted to a formula field traffic light field based on the logic described below.

This field will look at related Contact_Document__c records on the Contact Record to identify the status of each Contact Document record, as detailed in


Client Status

WHEN the maica__Status__c field on the maica__Service_Agreement__c record equals 'Active'.

THEN update the Client_Status__c field on the Contact to equal 'Active'.


Funding Status

The Funding_Status__c field on a Contact Record will update automatically based on the related maica__Service_Agreement__c.


Create Client Location

When a Client Contact is created, a Home Location record is created automatically.