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This article walks through the lifecycle of the Recurring Donation Status. It will outline what each Status refers to in the Recurring Donation lifecycle.


When a Recurring Donation is initially created, the Recurring Donation Status is set to Active. You can view where the Status can be shown in the Recurring Donation page down below.


When an unsuccessful Payment is encountered, the Recurring Donation Status will be set to Lapsed.


The Recurring Donation Status remains as Lapsed if no successful Payment is processed for the month, but will still be retried the next month and will be set to Active when processed successfully. The

Note: for further information about managing failed payments in Stripe, click here.

This process will stop and the Recurring Donation will be set to Closed if the End Date is reached. The End Date can be viewed under Date Information on the Recurring Donation page.


Filter by label (Content by label)
cqllabel in ( "donation" , "active" , "payment" , "status" , "lapsed" , "lifecycle" , "recurring" ) and type = "page" and space = "NPSPKB"
labelsrecurring donation status lifecycle lapsed active payment
