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This article details the processes associated with completing a Service Appointment, including creation of a Time Sheet Entry record and creation of an Invoice Line Item when a Time Sheet Entry is approved.


A When a Service Appointment is typically updated to Status = Completed via the Check Out flow which is available on the Field Service mobile app for support workersSupport Workers. This will trigger a process to create a Time Sheet Entry based on specific rules that are included in the Check Out flow logic.




Scheduled Start

The scheduled start date/time of the Service Appointment, added during the planning stages of the process.

Scheduled End

The scheduled end date/time of the Service Appointment, added during the planning stages of the process.

Check In Time

The stamped date/time when a Support Worker checks in via their mobile app, the expectation being that they will check in when they arrive at the destination of the service.

Check Out Time

The stamped date/time when a Support Worker checks out via their mobile app, the expectation being that they will check out when they have completed the service.

Actual Start

The start date/time of the service delivery.

  • This will align with Scheduled Start if the service starts on time.

  • If Check In Time is not aligned then an exception report can be reviewed to determine the approval actions.

Actual End

The end date/time of the service delivery.

  • This will align with Scheduled End if the service ends on time.

  • If Check Out Time is not aligned then an exception report can be reviewed to determine the approval actions.


Earliest Start Date and Due Date are required fields in Field Service, so we populate these fields but they have little impact on the overall process of delivering the Service Appointment and can be ignored.



The Time Sheet Entry Start Time and End Time are mapped from the Actual Start and Actual End fields on a Service Appointment record.


  • Check In & Check Out on time

    • If a Support Worker Checks In within the Service Appointment Tolerance Setting then the Actual Start will be applied as the Scheduled Start on the Service Appointment.

    • If a Support Worker Checks Out within the Service Appointment Tolerance Setting then the Actual End will be applied as the Scheduled End on the Service Appointment.

    • A Time Sheet Entry will be created and automatically approved which will trigger creation of an Invoice Line Item.

  • Check In or Check Out not on time

    • If a Support Worker does not Check In or Check Out on time then they will be asked if they want to update the Actual Start and Actual End times and provide a reason.

    • A Time Sheet Entry will be created and will not be approved which will not trigger creation of an Invoice Line Item.

    • Exceptions can be reviewed in a report to determine the approval status and trigger creation of Invoice Line Items.






Retrieve Time Sheet for specified Service Resource which has a StartDate before TODAY and an EndDate after TODAY.

If a Time Sheet does not exist that meets this criteria, then create a new Time Sheet record with a Monday Start Date and Sunday End Date.








Calculate the variance between Scheduled Date/Times and Actual Date/Times.

(SchedEndTime - SchedStartTime)


(ActualEndTime - ActualStartTime)

= Unit_Variance__c


Calculate the percentage of the variance compared to the overall scheduled time.

Unit_Variance__c / (SchedEndTime - SchedStartTime)

= Unit_Variance_Percent__c

StatusCreate a Custom Setting called Approval Percentage Threshold, this will hold a percentage value.

When a Time Sheet Entry is created, we will check if Unit_Variance_Percent__c <= Approval Percentage Threshold.

Set to Approved, if Unit_Variance_Percent__c <= Approval Percentage Threshold Service Appointment Tolerance Setting OR to Submitted if Unit_Variance_Percent__c > Approval Percentage Threshold Service Appointment Tolerance Setting.





An Invoice Line Item is created when a Time Sheet Entry is updated to Status = Approved - Actual OR Approved - Scheduled.

  • If a Time Sheet Entry is automatically approved because the Service Resource has checked in and out on time then Status = Approved - Scheduled.

  • If a Time Sheet Entry is not automatically approved a manager must review the Time Sheet Entry and approve the record, Status = Submitted in this scenario.

A sample report to review submitted Time Sheet Entries is available here.


A manager can update the Status of a Time Sheet Entry directly in the report by using Enable Field Editing.

The following flow will run when a Time Sheet Entry is updated or created to identify if an Invoice Line Item should be created.

Create Invoice Line Item When Time Sheet Entry is Approved

  • Invoice Line Item Quantity will be added based on EndTime - StartTime for Products where QuantityUnitOfMeasure = Hourly.

  • Invoice Line Item Quantity will be added based on Quantity for Products where QuantityUnitOfMeasure = Each.


To understand how Maica manages Invoices please review in the Maica knowledge base.