Plan management registration steps
Plan management peak body??
Step 1: Prepare for the Audit
Verification against NDIS Practice Standards:
The auditors will use this as their baseline assessment of our application.
To comply with the verification module of the NDIS Practice Standards, providers must show evidence of:
Relevant qualifications, expertise and experience
Incident management processes/policies
Complaints management processes/policies
Risk management processes/policies
NDIS item 127: Management of Funding for Supports in Participants Plans
100 points of ID
Right to work in Aus
Qualifications (below)
Worker Screening (below)
NDIS worker orientation program course (NDIA provided)
Workers Comp insurance
Incident management
Processes and policies
Must meet NDIS incident management and reportable incidents Rules 2018
Complaints management
Processes and policies
must meet the requirements of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (Complaints) Rules 2018
Risk management
WHS policies and procedures
Public liability insurance
Professional indemnity insurance
NDIS Worker Screening application
All employees will require this
Step 2: Complete the NDIS registration online
Will require above supporting evidence
Step 3: Engage an auditor
Auditor will undertake a desktop review and submit a recommendation
Step 4: Set up Proda account and MyPlace Provider portal
Step 5: Set up Plan Management Service Agreement
Standard agreement between participant and plan manager
Additional thoughts:
Consider some Plan management training:
Step guide from Brevity here: