Info |
Clicking into the Time Sheet Entry
Record, you will see sync details for each individual Time Sheet Entry
as well, with the ability to sync to Employment Hero via the EH Sync quick action.
From a Time Sheet
and Time Sheet Entry
record in Salesforce we will trigger the creation of Time Sheet and Time Sheet Entry records in Employment Hero through the KeyPay API.
A summary of the Time Sheet
data services can be found here -
We will use the following methods:
Method | HTTP Request | Description |
| When a
We can run a Bulk Insert | |
| When a | |
| If a | |
| If a | |
| If a |
Method | HTTP Request | Description |
| When a
We can run a Bulk Insert | |
| When a | |
| If a | |
| If a | |
| If a |
Employment Hero | Salesforce | Notes |
approved | Set to Not sure what this does. | |
employeeIdType | Set to Not sure what this does. | |
fromDate | TimeSheet.StartDate |
locationIdType | Set to Not sure what this does. | |
replaceExisting | Set to Assuming this will always be false on creation. | |
returnResponse | Set to Assuming this returns a response to Salesforce which we can capture on a | |
timesheets: attachment | DO NOT MAP | |
timesheets: attachmentId | DO NOT MAP | |
timesheets: breaks | DO NOT MAP | |
timesheets: classificationId | DO NOT MAP | |
timesheets: comments | DO NOT MAP | |
timesheets: employeeId | ServiceResourceId.Contact__c.Employment_Hero_ID__c | |
timesheets: endTime | TimeSheet.EndDate | |
timesheets: externalId | ||
timesheets: fullyQualifiedLocationName | DO NOT MAP | |
timesheets: hiddenComments | DO NOT MAP | |
timesheets: id | Assuming this is system generated, maybe only needed for updates? | |
timesheets: leaveCategoryId | DO NOT MAP | |
timesheets: rate | DO NOT MAP | |
timesheets: shiftConditionIds | DO NOT MAP | |
timesheets: shiftConditions | DO NOT MAP | |
timesheets: source | DO NOT MAP | |
timesheets: startTime | TimeSheet.StartDate | |
timesheets: status | TimeSheet.Status | |
timesheets: submittedByUser | ServiceResourceId.Contact__c.Employment_Hero_ID__c | |
timesheets: units | DO NOT MAP | |
timesheets: workType | DO NOT MAP | |
timesheets: workTypeId | DO NOT MAP |
Employment Hero | Salesforce | Notes |
classification | DO NOT MAP | |
classificationId | DO NOT MAP | |
comments | TimeSheet.Description | |
employeeId | TimeSheet.ServiceResourceId.Contact__c.Employment_Hero_ID__c | |
endTime | TimeSheetEntry.EndTime | |
externalId | ||
fullyQualifiedLocationName | DO NOT MAP | |
hiddenComments | DO NOT MAP | |
id | Assuming this is system generated, maybe only needed for updates? | |
leaveCategoryId | DO NOT MAP | |
locationId | DO NOT MAP | |
locationIdDeleted | DO NOT MAP | |
payCategoryId | DO NOT MAP | |
rate | DO NOT MAP | |
shiftConditionIds | DO NOT MAP | |
shiftConditions | DO NOT MAP | |
source |
| |
startTime | TimeSheetEntry.StartTime | |
status | TimeSheetEntry.Status | |
units | TimeSheetEntry.EndTime - TimeSheetEntry.StartTime | Create new formula field. |
workType | Service_Appointment__r.WorkOrder.WorkType | |
workTypeId | Service_Appointment__r.WorkOrder.WorkType.Employment_Hero_Code__c |