Vertic Belarus Engagement Structure
This page outlines the structure under which Vertic Belarus will be engaged by Vertic Pty Ltd. This includes fixed price, T&M, and support development tasks.
The overall objective of this structure is to align Vertic Belarus to the engagement terms Vertic Pty Ltd has with its clients, for example any fixed price engagements we hold with our clients will be backed into a fixed price agreement with Vertic Belarus.
Fixed Price Project Development Tasks
Where we are required to provide a fixed price development task to a client, whether this is part of an existing project or a new piece of work, Vertic Belarus is required to provide us with a fixed price development quote to be accepted by us prior to commencing the work. This will require the following:
A fully documented specification (using JIRA) to be completed by our consulting team.
A fixed price quote for the completion of the work including a 30 day warranty & deployments.
If any clarification questions are needed, these can be raised and answered by our consulting team.
Once the quote is accepted by Vertic Pty Ltd, the work can be scheduled and completed.
Upon completion of the work and acceptance by our consulting team (this can be done via a
in JIRA), Vertic Belarus may invoice us for the completed work.
Ongoing Technical Support Tasks
Where we engaged on an ongoing technical support agreement, we need to back Vertic Belarus into the same structure we have with our clients, including the following:
If we have pre-approved effort that can be spent on a client’s behalf (for example
A client might allow us to spend up to 4 hours without seeking approval.
), this can be passed through to Vertic Belarus and any quoting process outlined above will not be required.If we do not have permission to spend time from a technical support agreement, then this needs to be quoted by Vertic Belarus just like a normal development task.
Time & Materials (T&M) Development Tasks
Where we have T&M engagement stuctures with our clients (in which we can charge for all work delivered to a client without the need to fix any development costs), this structure can be used when engaging Vertic Belarus. This will require the following:
A fully documented specification (using JIRA) to be completed by our consulting team.
A indicative estimate for the completion of the work including deployments.
If any clarification questions are needed, these can be raised and answered by our consulting team.
Once the estimate is accepted by Vertic Pty Ltd, the work can be scheduled and completed.
Upon completion of the work and acceptance by our consulting team (this can be done via a
in JIRA), Vertic Belarus may invoice us for the completed work at the end of the month in which it was completed.Should our clients ask for a warranty of
Time & Materials
development work, we will have a back-to-back agreement with Vertic Belarus.
Monthly Development Team Budget Allocation
In addition to the above, Vertic Pty Ltd will determine the number of days to be purchased from Vertic Belarus to limit the number of hours available to the Vertic Pty Ltd consulting team.
In addition to implementing a quoting process for any fixed price development work, we will follow the below process to ensure our budget is aligned with our committed work:
A monthly Vertic Pty Ltd management meeting will review all work under contract, including
Ongoing technical support
Project implementations
Time & Materials engagements
We will create a forecast of how much time (in days) will delivered during the upcoming month
This will include decisions on pushing back timelines for certain projects, where this is appropriate, deplaying project start dates, as well as simply slowing down existing project deliveries.
The forecast is then overlaid with our desired development spend for the upcoming month based on volume of work, cost of development, consulting team capacity.
Once agreed, the projected Vertic Belarus development team resource requirements are communicated to Vertic Belarus clearly and well before the month commences.
This budget will then inform and constrain the monthly planning meeting which will allocate resouces within the agreed budget.