Configure a public Donation Form
Creating a new Donation Form can be done through the Forms Object in Salesforce.
Creating a new Form
To create a new Form, click the New button.
Form Name
To assign the Form to a Campaign, use the Campaign field.
Configuring the Donation Form
Page Images
Use this section to define the primary images used on the Web Donation Page. The possible images that can be uploaded are a Logo, Banner and Body Image.
Page Content
Use this section to define the primary page content blocks used on the Web Donation Page. You can also select your desired Text and Background colour scheme.
To assign the form to a Campaign, use the Default Campaign field. It is also possible to assign it to multiple Campaigns.
Allow Campaign Selection allows the donor to select which Campaign they want to donate to on the donation form.
(Custom Head HTML)
Assign the Currency and any Payment Information for the donation payment.
Use this section to configure one-off donations. It is also possible to turn off one-off donations using the checkbox in the top right corner of the section.
Use this section to configure recurring donations. It is also possible to turn off recurring donations using the checkbox in the top right corner of the section.
Succeeded Payment Checkout
Use this section to configure the checkout screen after a successful payment.
Cancelled/Failed Payment Checkout
Use this section to configure the checkout screen after an unsuccessful payment.
Form Submissions and Statistics
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