NPSP+ Knowledge Base
Configuring a Donation Form
This guide will walk through the steps to configure a donation form. To access the configuration screen, create a form or select the form you would like to configure and click on the Appearance tab.
What’s on this page
Page Images
Here you can add any images to the Donation Form. You have the option to add a Logo, Banner and Body Image to the Donation Page.
Page Content
In this section, you can customise the page content of the Donation Form.
Page Header & Sub Header
Here you can select the Text Color and Background Color and choose what text appears in the Header of the page.
In the Body section, you are able to enter the main body text for the donation page. This body text will appear next to the body image you selected in Page Images.
Here you can select the Text Color and Background Color and choose what text appears in the Footer of the page.
It is also possible to allow the donor to select which specific Campaign they would like to donate to. For this to appear on the donation page, click the Allow Campaign Selection button and select which Campaigns that will be available to be chosen by the donor.
Under Payment, select the Currency that the donation will be made in and enter the message that will appear before the donation is made.
One-Off Donation
In this section, you can select whether or not you want the option for donors to donate a one-off donation.
Note: to toggle one-off donations off, click the checkbox in the top right of the one-off donations section.
To add a description, enter text into the Short Description textbox.
To allow donations to be made with cents, toggle the Allow Cents checkbox. When toggled off, all donations will be made with rounded dollar values.
To allow custom value donations, toggle the Allow Custom Amount checkbox. Enter the default value for the custom donation in the text box.
To force a minimum amount donation, toggle the Force Min Amount checkbox. Enter the minimum amount value for donations in the text box.
Enter the individual values for each donation amount under Amounts. Select the Default button to enable that value as the default value for donations. Add a description to an amount to describe what the donation will be used for. To create a new amount, click the + button.
Recurring Donation
In this section, you can select whether or not you want the option for donors to donate a recurring donation.
Note: to toggle recurring donations off, click the checkbox in the top right of the recurring donations section.
To add a description, enter text into the Short Description text box.
To allow donations to be made with cents, toggle the Allow Cents checkbox. When toggled off, all donations will be made with rounded dollar values.
To allow custom value donations, toggle the Allow Custom Amount checkbox. Enter the default value for the custom donation in the text box.
To force a minimum amount donation, toggle the Force Min Amount checkbox. Enter the minimum amount value for donations in the text box.
Enter the individual values for each donation amount under Amounts. Select the Default button to enable that value as the default value for donations. Add a description to an amount to describe what the donation will be used for. To create a new amount, click the + button.
Succeeded Payment Checkout
In this section, you are able to configure the process after a Successful Payment has been made.
Select which Donation Stage that the Opportunity will move to after the payment has been made by selecting it under the Opportunity (Donation) Stage dropbox.
You can also enter a custom message for when a One-Off or Recurring Donation has been made in their respective text box. This message will appear to the donor after a successful donation has been processed.
Cancelled/Failed Payment Checkout
In this section, you can enter a message that appears when a donation has been cancelled or failed.
In this section, you are able to set up an External Site URL and generate the HTML code of the Drop-In component. Once the Drop-in is enabled the Donate Quick Action will be generating the link to the provided external Site URL.
To enable the Drop-In, click on the Enable drop-in button.