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DDCR - ActivitiesActivities are standard features that appear on records which allow you to manage engagement information and history associated with that record. You will find Activities on records where there is a potential need to record an informal engagement history
DCR - Add Expense
From a Work Order Record on the FSL Mobile app a user can add an Expense via the Service Appointment Management Quick Action. From a Work Order record in the FSL Mobile App, go to Actions and select Service Appointment Management. image-20230129-032647.pn
DCR - Add Incident
From the FSL Mobile App, a user has the option to create a Case with Record Type = Incident from a Work Order. From a Work Order record, go to Actions and select Add Incident. image-20230129-024154.pngimage-20230129-024210.png Confirm that you want to add
DCR - App Launcher
The App Launcher is a navigation tool that you can use when you’re logged into Salesforce to open apps that have been designed for specific areas of the business. An app facilitates a specific configuration which is usually based on the role of the user.
DCR - App Navigation
In your Salesforce environment, apps are configured to create a targeted experience for different user types in your organisation. You can access apps via the App Launcher in the top left hand corner of the interface. image-20230115-113008.png Each App wi
DCR - Archive
DCR - Automation Processes This article outlines the different automation processes built into the Maica + FSL Salesforce solution. Object Process Contact Automatic Account Creation Client Contacts: Newly created Client Contact records have an Account record generated on save based
DCR - Chatter
Chatter is a standard feature that will be available on some record layouts to show a history of updates on the record and facilitate internal collaboration on a record. From the Chatter Tab you can also see a feed of items related to you, add yourself to
DCR - Chatter - Email Notifications
Chatter email notifications can be managed by a user from the Settings section of their login. Go to Settings in the top right of the interface. Go to Chatter > Email Notifications Screen Shot 2023-05-08 at 10.53.34 am-20230508-005520.png It’s not recomme
DCR - Check In To Appointment
From the Work Order in the FSL Mobile App, go to Actions and select Service Appointment Management. image-20230129-022114.png To check in to the appointment, select Check In To Appointment. image-20230129-021948.png This action will update the Service App
DCR - Check Out From Appointment
When a Service Resource has completed a job they use the Check Out action on a Service Appointment (available via the Service Appointment Management action), the details in the screenshot below are captured on a Service Appointment record. From the Work O
DCR - Client Contact - Service Summary
On a Client Contact record, there is a Service Summary section that contains the following attributes: Client Status Funding Status Client Services The values of these fields are populate by related Opportunities and Service Agreements. Client Status The
DCR - Client Onboarding
DCR - Custom Settings Custom settings are similar to custom objects in that they let you customize org data. Unlike custom objects, which have records based on them, custom settings let you utilize custom data sets across your org. Custom settings also let you distinguish part
DCR - Dispatcher Console: Dispatch Service Appointments
You can select Service Appointments in the list and click Dispatch to confirm Service Appointments assignments to resources. LwiFzbiZuGEd37nia8dkkRfSpg_fPUMPiqFaCU2_d7VM5dSuBjs3YwzbiI5ozk1zG51n1AD-OROIhXj9yzGy3_qgFRXateuVLHoIBz2KD2IWyjH9rm9ANQGZu3TQDtT-3l
DCR - Dispatcher Console: Filtered Views
Filtered views allow you to filter the Service Appointment list by specified criteria, this is in addition to the filter you can apply by selecting the Service Territory via the Map Icon. The Service Appointment list appears in the bottom section of the l
DCR - Dispatcher Console: Filtering GANTT View by Service Territory
To view and manage Service Appointments in a specific Service Territory, you can filter the GANTT view to only show specific Service Territories. Select the Map Icon in the left hand sidebar to see a list of active Service Territories. image-20230125-0029
DCR - Dispatcher Console: GANTT View
From the GANTT view you have a number of flexible options to manage Service Appointments. Drag-and-drop Service Appointments around the screen to assign to different resources. Drag-and-drop Service Appointments from the side panel on to the GANTT view. D
DCR - Dispatcher Console: Highlight
The Highlight button at the bottom of the Service Appointment List will highlight all Service Appointments that appear in the list on the GANTT view. For example, if you’re viewing a Service Territory in the GANTT and want to highlight all appointments fo
DCR - Dispatcher Console: Horizon Date
The Horizon Date and the Clock Icon to the left define the appointments that will appear in the Service Appointment list. By default the Horizon Date will show Service Appointments that are within 3 days of the selected date and this will reference the da
DCR - Dispatcher Console: Map View
The Map view gives you a visual geographical representation of Service Territories and the jobs being carried out by Service Resources. image-20221015-225708.png
DCR - Dispatcher Console: Schedule Service Appointments
You can select Service Appointments in the list and click Schedule to assign Service Appointments to resources. This will run an automated process to match Service Resources to Service Appointments based on the Scheduling Policy that has been selected. w8
DCR - Dispatcher Console: Scheduling Policy
A scheduling policy can be selected at the top of the left side panel to determine the behaviour when scheduling appointments. A scheduling policy is configured in the background to respect specific rules like - Skills, Service Territory boundaries, Start
DCR - Dispatcher Console: Search
The Search field allows you to search the Service Appointment list by a specified text string. CDQEaW7pI5Z0eTAd27pHKBsyoxfjCJIXTTtpZciVr_yp3EJVxtd_HwO6KMpg_yoQCWcRFJFY2GW9SDnhPkylczv93eufqzSjO9oTiCiEZruSs7zbgNtbPxzkYcDYyROx88BM5wxhy6_-6ZNchpfiITA0y4m73K9k
DCR - Employment Hero
The Employee Hero integration uses the KeyPay API https://api.keypay.com.au/australia/reference to sync data between Employment Hero and Salesforce. The following data services are supported: Activate Employee - https://api.keypay.com.au/australia/referen
DCR - Employment Hero - Employee Sync
SUMMARY When a Contact Record in Salesforce meets the requirement of having the Start Date At My Supports field with a value, on Save of the Contact Record a trigger will attempt to sync the record to Employment Hero. You can see in Beyonnce’s Record belo
DCR - Employment Hero - Time Sheet Sync
SUMMARY Time Sheet Records are created in Salesforce based on a configured scheduled process which runs each week or fortnight or month. This configuration can be access via the Time Sheet Settings option in the Setup Menu. Time Sheets are currently sched
DCR - Employment Hero Base Connection
The Employment Hero base connection is configured through the KeyPay API which you can find details about here - https://api.keypay.com.au/australia/reference https://api.keypay.com.au/australia/reference In Salesforce we hold the credentials that are req
DCR - Employment Hero Leave Requests
Leave Requests are retrieved from Employment Hero and added into Salesforce as Resource Absence records. SCHEDULED SERVICE Salesforce will run a process each night at a specified time to retrieve Leave Request records from Employment Hero and create them
DCR - Field Service Dispatcher Console
The Field Service console is used by the MySupports scheduling team to manage support worker rostering. For those with this specific license type, the Field Service Console can be accessed via the Services App. image-20230125-002247.png The Dispatcher Con
DCR - Finance
DCR - Following & Favourites Following a record will allow you to get updates from that record in your Chatter Feed. Favourites allow you to save records so you can easily access them later. Following a Case via the desktop login: Go to a Case Record and click the Follow Button in th
DCR - FSL Mobile App
DCR - FSL Mobile App
DCR - FSL Mobile App: Installation
The Salesforce Field Service app can be installed from the app store on your mobile device. FYBoPPUuWGdQNWTahTNOne-0Th3KSbhCjN7tSbMKstKLNcOmKckmpUcyqEv0hPLWoyJ9lo0NstrTmnnO_6wcTG5umfcyJHCTmCF8X8rN8O0m77ADHLgil-oLySGHrdZaDHJhzkeD4oqTbTDHOEquzamgBRnKVr8VNyb
DCR - FSL Mobile App: Logging In via Okta
Step 1 DCR Technology team should have already installed the Salesforce Field Service App to the house mobile phone. If it is not installed, please contact it@directcareresources.com.au mailto:it@directcareresources.com.au Screenshot 2023-12-19 at 10.09.2
DCR - FSL Mobile App: Quick Actions
There are several Quick Actions that are available from the Work Order and Service Appointment records in the Mobile App. Quick Actions allow you to follow a specific data flow on a record to enter information. Access Quick Actions by clicking the Actions
DCR - FSL Mobile App: Service Appointment Calendar
Clicking on the Calendar Icon in the top right corner of the app screen will open a scrollable calendar view. When a dot appears for a date, this means that you have a scheduled appointment for this date. RWqdg9hYfBO04QYy-r2PCC65v5VRuZX9WIsMy0AOtQZK-uXOm8
DCR - FSL Mobile App: Service Appointment Management
DCR - FSL Mobile App: Service Appointment Management The Service Appointment Management feature is a collection of flows that are available to Service Resources from the FSL mobile app which allows them to manage key data involved in their service deliver
DCR - FSL Mobile App: Service Appointments
Selecting a date will show the appointment that is scheduled for that date and allow you to navigate through the Work Order and Service Appointment. Clicking the Lightning Icon button at the bottom of the screen in the middle will open actions that are av
DCR - Getting to Know - Cases
Case Records are your source of truth for managing incoming, open, escalated and closed Cases. You can access Cases by searching in the App Launcher or the Contact Centre App Home by navigating to the Cases Tab. Follow along below as we walk through the d
DCR - Home Tab
The Home Tab on each app aims to give you an insight into the key data areas that the app is focused on. Accessing a Home Tab via the desktop login: Click into an app and the Home Tab will be the default tab that appears, usually this will be in the form
DCR - How to log Jira Ticket
Creating a Jira Ticket Click Create from the header menu Screen Shot 2023-05-23 at 3.44.22 pm-20230523-054514.png Providing details Select Issue Type to be: Bug: A user can’t log in or is prevented from doing a critical task Task: For less urgent, but sti
DCR - Individual Participant Scheduling
Work Order Management is a component that has been developed to help support the bulk creation of Work Orders with related Service Appointments which are the records assigned to Support Workers to facilitate service delivery. Individual Participant Schedu
DCR - List Views
List views are available via tabs, they can be created and updated to give you filtered views of Salesforce Records. Create a new list view: Go to the Contacts Tab and select the cog icon to access the List View Controls. Click New to create a new list vi
DCR - Logging In - Desktop
You can login to Salesforce via your desktop computer if you’re connected to the Internet. The recommended browser to use is Google Chrome. Use the URL below as the login page: Production - https://login.salesforce.com/ https://login.salesforce.com/ Your
DCR - Maica
The full Maica Knowledge Base is available via the link below. In the table we have listed some articles that are most relevant to the team to help get orientated with the Maica capabilities. https://knowledge.maica.me/welcome-to-maica/ https://knowledge.
DCR - Maica + FSL UAT1 Walkthrough
This article aims to step you through the testing steps for My Supports UAT. STEP AREA DESCRIPTION STATUS FEEDBACK 1 App Navigation Review the apps that have been created (Onboarding, Services, Finance, People & Culture). Questions: Do these adequately su
DCR - Managing Support Categories & Support Items
Support Category and Support Item records can be configured to help guide the scheduling process when using the Work Order Management feature. DEMO VIDEO SUPPORT CATEGORY From a Support Category record you have the following configuration options: Set the
DCR - Move Work Orders
Use the Move Work Orders Quick Action to manage Service Agreements. It enables you to move work orders from and existing Service Agreement, to a new one. Moving Work Orders to a New Service Agreement Go to a Service Agreement Record and click the Move Wor
DCR - Multi Participant Scheduling
On this page: Work Order Management is a component that has been developed to help support the bulk creation of Work Orders with related Service Appointments which are the records assigned to Support Workers to facilitate service delivery. Multi Participa
DCR - Operating Hours
Operating Hours define the hours that resources can be scheduled to work. The default hours are defined on a Service Territory Record but we can also define Operating Hours for a Service Resource that is assigned to a Service Territory to override the def
DCR - Opportunity Components
This articel outlines the different components that are used in the Opportunity process. Price Book and Plan Association Before we can started with adding Opportunity Products, Salesforce requires a Price Book to be associated. This can be done by clickin
DCR - Personal Settings
The settings section allows you to manage your personal information and personal preferences in the system. Some of the common areas to manage here include: Personal details - name, phone, address. Email signature Display and layout options Default Recor
DCR - Quick Action: Add Expense
From a Work Order Record on the FSL Mobile app a user can add an Expense via the Service Appointment Management Quick Action. From a Work Order record in the FSL Mobile App, go to Actions and select Service Appointment Management. image-20230129-032647.pn
DCR - Quick Action: Add Incident
From the FSL Mobile App, a user has the option to create a Case with Record Type = Incident from a Work Order. From a Work Order record, go to Actions and select Add Incident. image-20230129-024154.pngimage-20230129-024210.png Confirm that you want to add
DCR - Quick Action: Check In
When a Service Resource starts to work they use the Check In action on a Service Appointment (available under Service Appointment Management), the details in the screenshot below are captured on a Service Appointment record. From the Work Order in the FSL
DCR - Quick Action: Check Out
When a Service Resource has completed a job they use the Check Out action on a Service Appointment (available via the Service Appointment Management action), the details in the screenshot below are captured on a Service Appointment record. From the Work O
DCR - Quick Action: Create Shift Summary
Shift Summaries are used to record important information at the completion of a Service Appointment. These details are captured and stored against the Service Appointment and Work Order Records. Creating a Shift Summary from the FSL App. Clicking the Acti
DCR - Quick Action: Edit Service Appointment
Service Appointments can be configured and updated from the FSL app. To edit the Service Appointment from the FSL App: Clicking the Actions tab at the bottom of the screen will present you with available Quick Actions. Under the Service Appointment sectio
DCR - Records
Records hold the inputted data across the supported data tables - Contacts, Opportunities, Cases, Service Agreements, Work Orders, etc. Most records will have a similar look and feel, with some common traits, regardless of the type of data that is being c
DCR - Resetting Your Password
Steps to reset your password: To reset a password, click the Forgot Your Password? link on the login page. Screen Shot 2023-05-08 at 11.35.12 am-20230508-013526.png Enter your username and click continue, this will send a reset password email to your inbo
DCR - Salesforce Basics
Here you will find guides and resources to help you manage your tasks Popular articles
DCR - Service Agreement Overview
Use these to capture and manage the details of how and what you are delivering to your Participants/Clients In Maica, the Service Agreement is a central object, underpinning some important aspects of your management and engagement with your Participants.
DCR - Service Appointment Management
Service Appointment Management is a component that has been developed to help manage the Service Appointments data that has been created in your environment. This component provides you with a table view of all Service Appointments in your organisation wi
DCR - Service Appointment Management + Match Resources
note Service Appointment Management has two key functions which allows you to manage Service Appointments that have been scheduled for your Participants: Bulk update Service Appointments. Match Service Resources (Support Workers) to Service Appointments.
DCR - Service Delivery - Scheduling
DCR - Service Resource Operating Hours Operating Hours define the hours that resources can be scheduled to work. The default hours are defined on a Service Territory Record but we can also define Operating Hours for a Service Resource that is assigned to a Service Territory to override the def
DCR - Shift Management
Shift Management in Field Service provide the capability to manage resources based on specific Shift Templates and Shift Patterns to help streamline the scheduling process at set Locations. You can learn more about the standard Shift Management features i
DCR - Staff Contact - Worker Status
Staff Members have a Client Contact record in Salesforce. The Worker Status is a traffic light icon that indicates the Status of the Staff Member’s eligibility to work based on criteria listed in this article. Worker Status Logic This Logic is TBC. Traffi
DCR - Support Category Bucket Funding
DCR - Support Category Bucket Products Category Products are created as Product records in Salesforce to enable bucket funding for a Support Category when managing Opportunities and Service Agreements. Under the Products Tab, you can access the list view for Category Products. image-20230427-0
DCR - Support Category Products on Opportunities
From an Opportunity record Category Products can be allocated via the Price Book that has been assigned to the Opportunity. Ensure that a Price Book has been assigned to the Opportunity which contains the Category Products. image-20230427-033351.pngimage-
DCR - Support Coordination
DCR - Support Coordination Notes Support Coordination Notes are created from a Contact Record where the Category = Support Coordination. Only Support Coordinators will have access to the Support Coordination tab on a Contact Record. A Support Coordination Note can be created by clicking
DCR - Support Coordination Work Order
Support Coordination Work Orders follow a different creation process to the standard process we have for scheduling future services. Support Coordination is generally expected to be recorded retrospectively and follows a more simple process so Work Orders
DCR - Support Worker Portal
My Supports Support Worker will have access to a Portal via desktop where they will be able to manage their profile, view recent and upcoming Service Appointments, and access their Clients and a Staff Directory. Contacts Tab When logged into the Portal, S
DCR - Tabs
Tabs represent the key data objects that are available in each app, clicking into an app you will see the tabs that are available across the top of the interface. Tabs that are not visible in the app can be accessed via the App Launcher. After clicking in
DCR - The Opportunity Object
Opportunities are the starting point of the Client Onboarding Process. Opportunities are used to capture details about referrals for new potential clients or used as a step in the process of renewing an expired contract with an existing client. The Opport
DCR - Time Sheet Entry & Invoice Line Item Data Flow
In this page: This article details the processes associated with completing a Service Appointment, including creation of a Time Sheet Entry record and creation of an Invoice Line Item when a Time Sheet Entry is approved. SUMMARY When a Service Appointment
DCR - Time Sheet Management
Time Sheet Management leverages the standard FSL Time Sheet Management features with some additional features to help facilitate efficient and accurate time sheet management with Service Resources, this includes: Time Sheet Settings Configuration - creati
DCR - Travel Management
This article discusses the logic that supports the assignment of travel Invoice Line Items to a Work Order when delivering services to a Participant. SUMMARY On a Service Agreement we have specific fields that allow us to configure the available travel op
DCR - WOM Status page
Description Status Environment Additional Fields/Treatment for Client Work Orders Required Resources:Service Appointment alignment Single WOM - Move Required Resources field to Schedule Section Multi WOM - Validation message if only one Participant is sel
DCR - Work Plans & Work Types
Work plans are a set of prescribed steps that guide front-line and back-office workers on how to complete a work order. By following steps in work plans, field service teams can complete assignments quickly, consistently, and with less guesswork. Work pla
Direct Care Resources Home
Welcome to your new space! Spaces help your team structure, organize, and share work, so every team member has visibility into institutional knowledge and access to the information they need to do their best work. Get started with the basics Start editing
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FField ServiceField Service
FSL - User Configuration
note View the How to Create a Support Worker article and follow steps. The below article outlines configuration requirements for Field Service Users. View the How to Create a Support Worker article and follow steps. The below article outlines configuratio
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HHow to: Create RecordsCreate a Record Click on the desired Object Tab that you need to create a new record for Click the New button at the top right of the List View Screen Shot 2023-11-13 at 1.04.32 pm.png Complete the necessary fields of the New Opportunity Form and Click Sa
IInvoice and Time Sheet BatchesBatch records are created in Salesforce in order to capture and create records based on specified criteria. Invoice Line Item and Time Sheet Entry Batches are generated at the completion of Service Delivery when records are finalised and ready to be claim
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MMaica Implementation QuestionnaireLink to teams document https://teams.microsoft.com/_?tenantId=3089ff47-52cb-4120-99d9-04a7344b526f#/docx/viewer/teams/https:~2F~2Fdirectcareresources.sharepoint.com~2Fsites~2FCareMgmtProject~2FShared%20Documents~2FGeneral~2F02%20Business%20Analysis~2FRequ
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PPreliminary SIL Rostering UATTesting and acceptance criteria Testing Instruction Video - recommended to watch this before and after the content below. https://www.loom.com/share/e3b5be62be974b89a8c71f0e3348fe72 https://www.loom.com/share/e3b5be62be974b89a8c71f0e3348fe72 Objects, feat
Project Snapshot
Active Ticket Matrix Item Status Assigned to Pending Actions Go-Live Approved Approval Due Date DCR/ClearSky Final review of all page layouts and fields DCR/ClearSky Final review of Lightning app UI’s and permissions to view Vertic Harry to configure shar
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RRoles“Salesforce offers a user role hierarchy that you can use to with sharing settings to determine the levels of access that users have to your Salesforce org’s data. Roles within the hierarchy affect access on key components such as records and reports.” (S
SSalesforce AdminService Resource Operating Hours Operating Hours define the hours that resources can be scheduled to work. The default hours are defined on a Service Territory Record but we can also define Operating Hours for a Service Resource that is assigned to a Service Territory to override the def
Service Resource Skills
Skills are assigned to Service Resources in FSL and they represent areas or expertise, qualifications or other forms of skills. Skills are managed on Service Resource Records via Service Resource Skills. Before assigning Skills to a Service Resource, ensu
SIL Location Scheduling
Data model 22fc1da1-40f4-4e22-a3b0-b52092f3ea29.png Copy of DCR - SIL Scheduling - Proposed (1).png 5 https://lucid.app/lucidchart/588e2441-0bcb-4ea3-b59e-d6b05f3d4917/edit?view_items=OGwilyA3g_a0%2CXywik5QICpKk&invitationId=inv_fe73fbe2-ab1f-42e2-b30c-09
Staff Management
My Supports use the Contact object to manage Staff Profiles.
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UUser StoriesDepartment User Story Demo / Knowledge Base Article - DCR Demo / Knowledge Base Article - ClearSky Salesforce Basics Everyone Understanding basic objects https://www.loom.com/share/c985eb83491049868002652fd0ecbb3d https://www.loom.com/share/c985eb83491049
Users Access In this article, the different areas of access configuration to Objects, Records and Fields will be outlined. Object Level Permissions Object Level Read, Create, Edit and Delete access is determined at the Profile level. If a Profile doesn’t have Read acc
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, multiple selections available,
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