Animal Action Plans
Animal Action Plan templates can be assigned to Animals to generate standard actions that are required to manage animal welfare, this can be common tasks like daily observations, exercise and nutrition or specialist tasks that follow a common delivery structure like specific treatments and protocols.
Scheduled Actions allow you to schedule one action at a time, Animal Action Plans allow you to group Animal Actions in standardised templates.
Assign Animal Action Plans to your animals:
From an Animal Record, select the Manage Animal Plans Quick Action at the top of the record layout.
2. Activate the Animal Action Plans that are required to manage the welfare of your animals. The common ones available are - Daily Observations, Standard Enrichment Plan, Standard Feeding Plan and Standard Exercise/Interaction Plan.
3. If the Action Plan is active and the End Date is empty or in the future, the Animal Action Plans will continue to generate Animal Action records. Similar to the Scheduled Actions, the actions will be available in the Health Tab and under the Daily Obs tab.
4. You can also view assigned Animal Action Plans via the Animal Action Plan Assignments in the right hand sidebar on the Animal Record.