NPSP+ Knowledge Base
Acknowledgment Status for Donations
This article will explain the Acknowledgment Status field that is found on an Opportunity Record.
What’s on this page
Viewing the Acknowledgment Status
To view the Acknowledgment Status of a Donation, go to the Opportunity you want to view and find Acknowledgment Status under the Details tab.
Acknowledgment Status Values
To Be Acknowledged
This is manually set to state the Donation has not been Acknowledged yet and an Email Acknowledgment has not been sent, and that it may need to be sent at a later time.
When set to Acknowledged, a Flow will trigger to set the Acknowledgment Date to the current date that the Donation was Acknowledged.
Do Not Acknowledge
This may be applicable for instances where a receipt is not necessary, or if a receipt has already been provided via an alternative method.
Email Acknowledgment Now
This value triggers a Flow which emails the chosen Email Receipt associated to the Campaign that is related to the Opportunity Record.
Email Acknowledgment Not Sent
This is manually set to state the an Email Acknowledgment has not been sent, and that it may need to be sent at a later time.