Service Appointment Lifecycle
Service Appointments are the jobs that are assigned to a Service Resource and are configured to meet a specific lifecycle which defines the scheduling process.
It’s important that the Status of a Service Appointment is managed so that scheduling runs efficiently. For example, if a Service Appointment is completed but the Status is not updated to Completed, then this Service Appointment will be rescheduled for action.
Service Appointment Statuses:
None - a new Service Appointment that has not been scheduled to anyone.
Scheduled - a Service Appointment that has been tentatively scheduled for action.
Dispatched - a Service Appointment that has been confirmed with a Service Resource for action.
In Progress - a Service Appointment where a Service Resource has checked in and is currently completing.
Completed - a Service Appointment that has been completed.
Cannot Complete - a Service Appointment where the Service Resource has specified that they have been unable to complete.
Canceled - a Service Appointment that has been cancelled and no longer requires action.